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Showing posts from 2020

Wildlife in India and its Conservation part 1 notes


Life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti (filaria, Elephantiasis)


Structure of Gundhi bug | Diagram of Gundhi bug


Diagram of Giardia


Giardia | Structure of Giardia


CHAITRA NAVRATRI PUJA 2020 CHAITRA NAVRATRI PUJA 2020,DAY-2:Maa Brahmacharini Puja Vidhi, Mantra, Aarti. Chaitra Navratri 2020 began on March 25and will end on April 2. On each day, Hindu community around the world will worship nine  manifestations of Goddess Durga. Each day of Navratri is devoted to a specific avatar of Maa Durga. On Day 2, devotees worship Goddess Brahmacharini. The unmarried avatar of Goddess Parvati is worshipped as Goddess Brahmacharini. It is believed that she governs the planet of Mangal. The Goddess carries a rosary in one hand and kamandal in the other. One can please the Goddess with mantra, 'Om Devi Brahmacharinyai Namah॥'. CHAITRA NAVRATRI PUJA 2020,DAY-2 :Maa Brahmacharini Puja Vidhi  For performing puja of Goddess Brahmacharini, you need flowers, roli, akshat, sandalwood and then make an arrangement for her bath. For this, you need milk, curd, sugar, honey and offer paan and supari...


CHAITRA NAVRATRI 2020,DAY-1:Maa Shailputri Puja Vidhi, Mantra, Aarti. The auspicious nine days of Navratri have finally begun on March 25. While the celebrations have been disrupted by the outbreak of coronavirus, people are celebrating the day of Goddess Shailpuri in their homes. Even though all the religious places are shut amid lockdown, the devotees are taking the blessing of the Goddess by worshipping at home. The Day 1 of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Shaipuri, also known as Hemavati and Parvati. Check out the Puja Vidhi, Mantra and Aarti to please Goddess Shailputri here. CHAITRA NAVRATRI 2020,DAY-1: Maa Shailputri Puja Vidhi              The first day of Navratri begins with Kalash Sthapana or Ghatasthapana. The puja starts by taking the idol of Goddess Shailputri and washing it with the holy water of River Ganges. Then establish the idol or just a photo of the Goddess and offer sweets. Then put mango...

Navratri Vs Coronavirus                     Navratri Vs Coronavirus                      This articles based  on Navratri Vs Coronavirus. Now this time,  all world is struggling from Coronavirus. Today's Indian face Navratri Vs Coronavirus. We request every person,  who believe in god please make social distances from every one.            You know everybody is not a patient of covid-19,but a distances and precautions give us safe life .        Those precautions which are given by WHO please follow and safe our nation.           We know, today some Indian celebrate Navratri but don't forget take precautions, because in India today we facing Navratri Vs Coronavirus. Please stay your home and follow government rule,  navratri-vs-coronavirus.Every person k...

मां दुर्गा के नौ स्वरूपों की उपासना की तिथि

ये हैं मां दुर्गा के नौ स्वरूपों की उपासना की तिथि 25 मार्च, प्रतिपदा- बैठकी या नवरात्रि का पहला दिन- घट/ कलश स्थापना- शैलपुत्री 26 मार्च, द्वितीया- नवरात्रि 2 दिन तृतीय- ब्रह्मचारिणी पूजा 27 मार्च, तृतीया- नवरात्रि का तीसरा दिन- चंद्रघंटा पूजा 28 मार्च, चतुर्थी- नवरात्रि का चौथा दिन- कुष्मांडा पूजा 29 मार्च, पंचमी- नवरात्रि का 5वां दिन- सरस्वती पूजा, स्कंदमाता पूजा 30 मार्च, षष्ठी- नवरात्रि का छठा दिन- कात्यायनी पूजा 31 मार्च, सप्तमी- नवरात्रि का सातवां दिन- कालरात्रि, सरस्वती पूजा 1 अप्रैल, अष्टमी- नवरात्रि का आठवां दिन-महागौरी, दुर्गा अष्टमी ,नवमी पूजन 2 अप्रैल, नवमी- नवरात्रि का नौवां दिन- नवमी हवन, नवरात्रि पारण

Against Corona

Today  proof  by Indian...against  corona virus. Against  corona virus  Indian follow P.M. rule....and now , Indian break the chain.                                                        All Indians the part of campaign against COVID-19 (CORONA VIRUS).

Symptoms of corona virus
