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Navratri Vs Coronavirus


                    Navratri Vs Coronavirus
This articles based  on Navratri Vs Coronavirus. Now this time,  all world is struggling from Coronavirus. Today's Indian face Navratri Vs Coronavirus. We request every person,  who believe in god please make social distances from every one.
           You know everybody is not a patient of covid-19,but a distances and precautions give us safe life .
       Those precautions which are given by WHO please follow and safe our nation.
          We know, today some Indian celebrate Navratri but don't forget take precautions, because in India today we facing Navratri Vs Coronavirus. Please stay your home and follow government rule,  navratri-vs-coronavirus.Every person know in India at Navratri time some people make extra precautions, they make a distance to everyone, and no use any market items so it is a good for social distances ,but some body go temple for worship. We request please don't go outdoors because god is everywhere and today we don't know Coronavirus is where, so please stay at your home and fight against Corona virus.
  Proved that,NavratriVsCoronavirus,NAVRATRI &INDIAN both will win against corona virus.


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